Transform Energy Blog

Exploring Solar Panel Degradation: Causes and Mitigation Strategies

Written by Transform Energy | Sep 8, 2023 1:30:00 PM

In the last ten years, solar panels have seen an average annual growth rate of 24%.

As environmental consciousness continues to grow, solar panels have become a crucial solution for harnessing clean and renewable energy. Yet, like any technological innovation, solar panels are not impervious to the effects of wear and tear accumulating over time.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the primary causes of solar panel degradation and offers insights into effective preventive measures. As you delve deeper, you'll uncover the complexities of maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your solar energy investment.

Weather Conditions

Weather conditions are a leading cause of solar panel degradation. Temperature fluctuations can strain the materials that make up the panels. The stress this causes can lead to microcracks - and reduced overall performance.

Exposure to UV radiation can deteriorate the protective layers on the panels. This leaves the array susceptible to further damage.

Dust and Dirt

It's easy to dismiss the accumulation of dust, dirt, and debris on solar panels as a minor concern. However, these seemingly trivial particles can significantly impact the efficiency of your solar panels. They create an obstruction that hampers the direct interaction between the sun's rays and the solar cells. 

Over time, this barrier leads to a gradual decline in the panels' ability to convert sunlight into electricity effectively. Regular cleaning and meticulous maintenance routines emerge as vital practices to avert any unwarranted drop in performance efficiency.

Chemical Corrosion

Outdoor environments are often home to various airborne chemicals and pollutants, including:

These pollutants lead to degradation over time. This corrosion affects the aesthetic appeal of the panels. It can also hinder their energy absorption capabilities.

Mechanical Stress

Mechanical stress, often in the form of physical impacts, can inflict unintended wear on solar panels. Hailstorms or falling branches can lead to the formation of microcracks in delicate solar cells. 

Even structural vibrations stemming from nearby construction or heavy machinery can instigate the detachment of vital components within the panels. Over time, these seemingly minor damages can escalate to cause outages and other severe disruptions.

Quality of Materials

The quality of materials used in fabricating your solar panels plays an instrumental role in determining their resilience. Inferior materials are more prone to rapid deterioration, especially when exposed to harsh environmental conditions. 

Although panels crafted from high-quality materials might have a steeper upfront cost, this investment significantly extends the panels' lifespan and overall efficiency, ultimately translating into substantial long-term savings.

Poor Installation and Maintenance

Improper solar panel installation and solar panel maintenance can accelerate the degradation of solar panels.

Panels that aren't correctly installed may not be positioned optimally to capture sunlight. This leads to uneven wear on the surface of the solar panel. Neglecting regular maintenance, including cleaning and inspection, can worsen the impact of other contributing factors.

Solar Panel Degradation Made Simple

Solar panels are a valuable investment in clean energy, and understanding the factors that lead to solar panel degradation is essential for maximizing their efficiency and lifespan.

By addressing these factors proactively, we can ensure that solar panels continue to be a sustainable and effective energy solution for years to come.

Here at Transform Energy, we're on hand to help you get the most out of your solar array. We're experts in solar panel installation and optimization, so reach out today to find out how we can help.