Battery Care in Solar Systems: Maintenance Tips for Optimal Storage

Transform Energy

Purchasing a solar panel system for your business will reduce expenditure and your carbon footprint.

Sustainability is important for your reputation and business brand, but it can eliminate numerous static costs, reducing commercial energy costs by up to 75%. One of the best ways to enhance the sustainability of your business is to install solar panels on your building's roof.

Once you've got solar panels, they can last up to 35 years with proper maintenance. In today's post, we'll discuss one of the most important aspects of solar panel maintenance-battery maintenance. Read on and you'll have optimal energy storage from your solar battery at all times.

Solar Panel Battery Cleaning

Depending on where you store your solar panel battery, it's going to be susceptible to dust, dirt, and debris. As these things accumulate on the battery, it'll start to affect its efficiency, so you need to make sure the battery's exterior casing is cleaned regularly.

It's important not to use harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools when cleaning the battery. These things can degrade the protective coating on the battery and make it more susceptible to damage. Distilled water mixed with baking soda is an easy homemade solution you can use alongside a battery terminal cleaning brush.

Optimizing Solar Storage

Where you store your battery will affect its performance and how much maintenance you need to do. The best practice is to always store the battery in a cool, dry place where the temperature can be regulated.

Being exposed to extreme heat or cold will affect the battery's performance over time. Try to avoid installing the battery near any heat sources or underneath hot lights. You may want to install insulation or a cooling system wherever you have the battery for optimal efficiency.

Inspecting for Damage and Repairs

As much as possible, try to check your solar battery for signs of damage. Regular inspections will ensure damage is caught and dealt with promptly so that it doesn't start to degrade the entire system.

Both battery terminals and connections can be subject to corrosion and sulfation, which is the most common cause of solar battery failure. You can also clean this with a water and baking powder solution.

It's also smart to have your entire system, battery included, inspected by a professional at least once per year. Transform Energy offers optimization and maintenance services for commercial solar panel systems.

Tactic for Maintaining System Efficiency

How you use your solar battery affects its performance as well. An important tactic is to avoid overcharging the battery. Overcharging a solar battery can end in serious and irreparable damage.

Get Professional Solar Panel Maintenance

When you invest in solar panels, you want them to last. The solar battery holds the energy generated by your solar panels, but only if it's cared for. Use these tactics to perform DIY solar battery maintenance, but call a professional for optimal solar system efficiency.

Transform Energy offers custom solar solutions for businesses. Our O&M services ensure that your system produces at full efficiency. Contact us today to schedule your solar panel maintenance.


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