Solar System Performance Analysis: Evaluating Efficiency and Output

Transform Energy

Solar power is currently the fastest-growing form of energy generation; just last year, the amount of solar power generated increased by 26%! Businesses, governments, and ordinary citizens all love solar power because it's a relatively cheap and efficient power source to adopt.

Efficiency is the key factor to note when it comes to energy supply. A dip in efficiency signals that the system needs maintenance or an overhaul. That's why everyone should know how to conduct a performance analysis for their solar array.

Read this brief guide to learn what you need to know about solar system performance analysis.

Defining Expectations

The first step in tracking your solar system's performance is understanding what output you can expect from your panels. Most industrial clients ask for a power output level and get an array matching that need.

If that's you, you can use that as your benchmark. If not, then there are two other ways of finding this benchmark.

The first is by calculating how much power the array should be producing. Take the average power output per panel and multiply that by the number of panels in the array.

These calculations will always be rough estimates, as many factors affect solar panel performance. The location of your array and the angle of the mountings alone can drastically impact your solar system's output.

The better way of finding the benchmark is by tracking your array's output with a monitoring system. Collect data from your system after installation or deep maintenance, and set the average output as your benchmark. This is easier and more reliable than doing calculations.

Troubleshooting Performance Dips

The next step in your performance analysis is figuring out why performance dips happen when they do. If your panels are brand new, or if you've just done proper maintenance, then check if the weather isn't affecting the efficiency. Temperature and cloud cover can both impact solar energy output.

Next on your list should be to check if cleaning the panels doesn't boost the efficiency. Dust or soiling can have the same effect as clouds. The array's angle also changes its efficiency, so check the mountings for structural damage if cleaning the panels doesn't improve efficiency.

If the efficiency dip persists, check to see if there are damaged panels or wires. A faulty inverter can also decrease the solar system's efficiency.

Lastly, keep in mind that these systems do lose efficiency as they age. If you have an older system, contacting an expert to add panels or update the system is the next go-to.

Solar System Performace Analysis

When you conduct your performance analysis, it's best to start with a workable benchmark of power supply. You can project what this energy output should be by multiplying the average energy output per panel by the number of panels. However, it's better to use data from your monitoring system, as that will give you a benchmark matching your specific array.

Large discrepancies between the actual output and the benchmark can reveal underlying problems. Working systematically through common problems can help you find the issue. Contact Transform Energy today, and we'll help you run diagnostics and maintenance on your solar system.


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